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Showing 1 to 10 of 25 entries.

You can now earn cryptos for every kill you get in Battlefield 3!

The current cryptocurrency ratios can be found here.

All kills award 1 game token. The player balances shown on the website are updated every 30 minutes.

You can request a withdrawal and HYPER payments will be sent directly to your HYPER web wallet.

Withdrawals requested in other currencies will be sent to the address you have set here.

If you would like to participate post your Battlefield 3 player name and platform (pc, 360, or ps3) in this thread. Contact Mandhlenkhosi to verify that you own your character.

Team C&C
152 336
Tue Aug 25, 2015, 7:34 pm

Hey guys! If you want to verify your account with me, I'll need you to contact me. I'll give you a name, and I'll need you to create a platoon with the name I gave you. Once I verify that you have done this, I will contact Ignatius with proof that you are verified.

If you're not sure how to create a platoon, let me know when you contact me and I'll guide you through it.


Team C&C
1 4
Tue Sep 1, 2015, 12:37 pm

UserName: KingArbinV

Platform: PS3

I'll continue registering the rest when i get a bit of time. This is awesome still!!

5 15
Sun Aug 2, 2015, 3:25 pm

UserName: KingArbinV

Platform: PS3

I'll continue registering the rest when i get a bit of time. This is awesome still!!wrote:KingArbinV

Your battlefield 3 player name is KingArbinV? I see no records for a player named KingArbinV.

Team C&C
152 336
Tue Aug 25, 2015, 7:34 pm

[quote="KingArbinV"]UserName: KingArbinV

Platform: PS3

I'll continue registering the rest when i get a bit of time. This is awesome still!!wrote:Ignatius

Your battlefield 3 player name is KingArbinV? I see no records for a player named KingArbinV. [/quote]

It might be KingArbinIV or KingArbinIII instead. PS3 kinda been collecting dust for a long time. lol

5 15
Sun Aug 2, 2015, 3:25 pm

It might be KingArbinIV or KingArbinIII instead. PS3 kinda been collecting dust for a long time. lolwrote:KingArbinV

No records for any of those names either. Maybe we need to try your psn name or similar?

You can try to find yourself here: http://bf3stats.com/

Let me know and I will get you added :D

Team C&C
152 336
Tue Aug 25, 2015, 7:34 pm


It might be KingArbinIV or KingArbinIII instead. PS3 kinda been collecting dust for a long time. lolwrote:Ignatius

No records for any of those names either. Maybe we need to try your psn name or similar?

You can try to find yourself here: http://bf3stats.com/

Let me know and I will get you added :D [/quote]

lol we were so close!!


5 15
Sun Aug 2, 2015, 3:25 pm

lol we were so close!!


Nice, ok I have added you. GLHF!

Team C&C
152 336
Tue Aug 25, 2015, 7:34 pm


lol we were so close!!


Nice, ok I have added you. GLHF![/quote]

Got a small question, not sure who setup the BF3 stuff, but would it be possible if i took some time to create some custom maps to have exclusive HYPER/C2/GP arenas, Blame rghmodz though.. he got me on the subject of doing custom maps for Left 4 Dead. If its possible for us to do that here I would be interested in creating some maps. Also next up is to pm mandlhenkhosi for setting up a squad in the game right?

5 15
Sun Aug 2, 2015, 3:25 pm

Got a small question, not sure who setup the BF3 stuff, but would it be possible if i took some time to create some custom maps to have exclusive HYPER/C2/GP arenas, Blame rghmodz though.. he got me on the subject of doing custom maps for Left 4 Dead. If its possible for us to do that here I would be interested in creating some maps. Also next up is to pm mandlhenkhosi for setting up a squad in the game right?


Part of the move to Origin and death of the BF series included removing the ability for people to host their own servers. If you would like to run your custom map you would need to rent a ranked BF3 dedicated server.

You are all set up no verification needed, I think it's safe to assume you are indeed KingArbin.

Team C&C
152 336
Tue Aug 25, 2015, 7:34 pm
Showing 1 to 10 of 25 entries.

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